January 2016 ~ Learning Instrumentation And Control Engineering Learning Instrumentation And Control Engineering

How to Install a Flow meter - Best Installation Practices

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Flow measurement is arguably one of the most frequent tasks in any industrial environment. Apart from design challenges to ensure a good metering system, there are also installation challenges. No matter how good a design for a given flow metering system is, if the installation is not in accordance with best practices, such a flow meter will not deliver on reliability, performance and accuracy.

In non-fiscal and non-custody transfer applications, flow meters are rarely calibrated and are often left in situ for many years without any thought to their accuracy. In these applications, accuracy is not often the stated goal but maybe repeatability for control purposes but even at that some care and attention still need to be given the flow measurement set up 

However in custody transfer applications attention needs to be given to the way and manner the flow meter system is installed. Sadly, in too many instances, the initial installation is often so poorly undertaken, without any regard to basic installation practices. It is therefore highly unlikely that these flow meters will ever meet the manufacturer's stated accuracy. The data

How a Flow Conditioner Works - Flow Conditioning Basics

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The accuracy of most flow meters depends on the flow profile of the substance in the piping system. Upstream disturbances have been observed to have the greatest  impact on the flow profile of the flow stream which in turn affects flow meter accuracy. The desired flow profile can be achieved in a typical installation without flow conditioning using 25 to 40 pipe diameters of straight run piping before the flow element and about 4 or 5 pipe diameters downstream of the element. These requirements vary quite considerably according to the upstream (and downstream) disturbances and the beta ratio.  In most practical application of flow measurement, it is not always possible to provide sufficient straight run to secure a “fully developed flow profile. What practical solution then exists if sufficient straight run pipe is not achievable?  The engineering solution is always some form of flow conditioning using devices called flow conditioners.

Recommended Minimum Straight Run Pipe Lengths without Flow Conditioner
Where sufficient straight run pipe lengths can be provided, a flow conditioner is

Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams Tutorials V

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Studying a variety of P&IDs is the best way to learn how to read one of them. Although the symbols used in these diagrams are the same, the way they are used in piping and instrumentation diagrams differ. Below here is one more P&ID for you to study. This P&ID is adapted from a real plant instrument diagram to help learn the basics of how to read such diagrams:

Symbols Used in the P&ID

The first thing to do with any P&ID is to try to identify the various instrument symbols used. This can usually be

Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams Tutorials IV

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Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams have been extensively dealt with on this website. However, the best way to be proficient in reading P&IDs is to study a wide array of piping and instrumentation diagrams.
Therefore in this tutorial, I will simply tabulate the instrument abbreviations used in the P&ID below and the symbols used in the diagram:

 Symbols Used in the P&ID

The first thing to do with this P&ID is to identify the various instrument symbols used. To help in understanding this P&ID, the various symbols used

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